Yoga and Mindfulness Tools for Children and Adolescents Webinar (6 Hours)

Improve Emotional Regulation and Increase Attention

Six hour webinar. Continuing Education Credits Available for Counselors, Teachers/Educators, Marriage & Family Therapists, Nurses, Occupational Therapists & Occupational Therapy Assistants, Psychologists, Social Workers, Speech-Language Pathologists, and other Mental Health Professionals

Do you think yoga and mindfulness can help the children you work with, but have no idea where to start? You’ve learned some mindfulness activities, but can’t figure out when and how to use them? Run out of good options for working with your most challenging kids? All children deserve the chance to thrive, and a growing body of research shows that yoga and mindfulness are powerful tools to help navigate a challenging world.

Join Jennifer Cohen Harper, author, founder and director of Little Flower Yoga, for a full day webinar, to explore how these practices can help kids soothe the protective part of their brain and engage and exercise the thoughtful part.

You’ll walk away from this engaging seminar with a step-by-step approach for effectively sharing the proven practices of yoga and mindfulness to help children and adolescents who are struggling to regulate their emotions, sustain attention and control impulsive behavior.

Based on a program used with tens of thousands of children in NYC schools, this framework for helping children access the inner resources of their body, breath and mind is comprehensive and effective, as well as accessible even for those with no prior yoga or mindfulness experience.

It’s time to help our kids move away from reactivity and toward balanced engagement with the world, both at home and at school. This seminar combines discussion, lecture, practice and reflection to send you back to your work inspired and empowered with both new tools and a clear knowledge of how to implement them.

Course Objectives:

  • Describe the relationship between brain, nervous system, and body, and how yoga and mindfulness can support effective integration and function.
  • Recognize situations in which yoga and mindfulness practices will be helpful, and understand how to implement them.
  • Implement yoga and mindfulness practices in an engaging, safe and effective manner.
  • Maximize children’s capacity for focusing attention in a way that is strength based and supportive of their individual needs.
  • Help children come into better emotional balance, reduce impulsive behavior, and support their capacity to make good choices.
  • Identify how to increase your own resilience and effectiveness with mindfulness-based self-care.

This course was taught live and filmed in 2015 by PESI. Registration link will take you to their website for purchase.
